Thursday, October 11, 2007

I am writing this only because I have never written on this blog before. I have only chosen to make comment on everyone's post(the immense joy that it gives me is just indescribable). Well, the main reason why I chose not to blog was because my vocabulary sucks!!(yes, it's true..Neha's vocabulary haunts me in my dreams). But today I have been inspired.Ok..fine..I'm bored at home...sometimes an unexpected holiday doesn't come to much use.

I wish to talk about my hero. Now this chap here is a stud(ok..i'm not talking about stop drooling...hehehe). He is probably the most charming person you will ever meet(oh...I'm sorry..You've already met me, haven't you...then I take back my words..hehehe). His intelligence will intimidate you(even Neha).His brilliant mind will make you jealous. His inventions are out of this world. And it would be an understatment to say that this guy is extraordinary. He is one of a kind. His mind works in strange way(very strange)(even stranger than mine and sanjana's put together). OK...I agree he think's that 4+3= a billion...It isn't his fault...she refused to help him. Ok...I agree...he should learn to write in cursive(it could have convinced his teacher that the president needed his urgent help).Ok..I agree again..that he needs to take a bath...but then in the end when you look at him(ignore his hair style)..You must agree that he is a genius...a brilliant mind behind dashing good looks(ok...maybe his smile is a 'lil' scary..but even then). You cannot but agree that this young chap here is probably as strong(ok maybe not as strong....I mean who can beat me, eh?) as myself. I proudly present to hero..none other than...CALVIN!!!(applause!!!).

PS 1: suspense doesn't really work when ur bloggin...damn!!!
PS 2: you don't approve of my hero???...SUE ME!!!!!
PS 3: I accept...I am jobless
PS 4: I cannot be held responsible for any mental damage caused by viewing the above picture.
PS 5: ok...I know this is very sill but then...I'm not a very 'write deep stuff' sort of person...sorry


tinuviel said...

hahahahaha...great post sonal!! and some day i will sue you for all the slanderous statements you make there...(i DO love calvin!!) ...and nice sketch there, i'm assuming you've done it yourself!

keep blogging. cheers

Norro said...

hey...I only speak the truth...and btw you should thank me for all the compliments...I'm complimenting your intelligence here.

tinuviel said...

eh?! what archetypes of my hitherto unarticulated brilliance do you accredit?

aaahahahah. just being lame :D

tinuviel said...

...and yes, thank you for all those compliments :D *blush*

jrod said...

man, sonal, ur humour really shows when u write! awesome! :)
btw, blive it or not, a while back (last year sometime) i myself wrote a post on calvin. i felt the need to express, in more... well... sober tones... my love for this little character! indeed, the most intelligent fellow we'll ever come across! :D

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