Why oh why???

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Why did the chicken cross the road?

This is a question that all of us have heard a million times.

Now here’s my question. Why torture that poor chicken??

Why can’t that chicken cross the road in peace without its intentions being questioned?

We live in India. Here a cow crosses the road every ten minutes. Why do none of us question the intentions of the cow??...But NO!!!!...that would be mean…let’s torture that poor helpess chicken!!..Why are we this cruel?? Why??....My heart goes out to those poor farm animals who can’t go about their daily life in peace.

Here is another instance. When you don’t get sleep count sheep. Not just sheep. Sheep jumping over a fence. Now my question is why would sheep jump a fence??..actually let me rephrase that…DO sheep jump a fence??..can they jump a fence??..I don’t think so…But even then we continue to make them jump and we continue to count. Now what is it about farm animals that makes us wanna question their every motive and engage them in activities that are not ‘animal’ ly possible?

I cry out against this injustice. Join me my fellow concerned ‘comm-e’- ites. It’s time to rebel for these poor animals who have no other choice but to suffer. Let’s take up the cause of that poor road crossing chicken. Let’s take up the cause of that fence jumping sheep. It’s time for war!

-a concerned citizen/president of the assc. for protection of farm animals n their rights

PS- one final question...guess who’s bored????=)

Fact file

Thursday, May 22, 2008

As most of you know, I am big on facts.
So just thought I'd pass on some interesting ones.. :D
Yes, I'm jobless at the moment. And this seemed fun.

Before that, how's interning for all of you?
Hopefully good.

Here goes,

Fact 1: TYPEWRITER is the longest word that can be made using only one row of the keyboard.

Fact 2: Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories an hour.

Fact 3: No word in English language rhymes with 'MONTH'

Fact 4: It is physically impossible for you to lick your elbow

Fact 5: American Airlines saved $40,000 in 1987 by eliminating one olive from each salad served in first-class.

Fact 6: Colgate faced big obstacles marketing toothpaste in Spanish speaking countries. This is because Colgate translates into the command 'Go hang yourself'

Fact 7: Yahoo the complex internet organism has complicated name. Word "Yahoo" is shortcut for "Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle".

Fact 8: No paper can be folded more than 7 times.

Fact 9: The dot over the letter "i" is called a tittle.

Fact 10: Almost everyone will try to lick their elbow after reading this post.

I love facts, I do. :D
Anyway, happy rest of the holidays and see you soon!

- MGir

P.S RESULTS ARE OUT. Toodles. Mwahaha.
Check it online.

How evil can I get?

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Ok, people. I really have only one question - how evil CAN I get?

Today is May 20th.

Today I am very excited. My dream is coming true.

That's all I want to say, and will say. Only because I don't want to be evil! I don't! I'm a nice person! I am!

Point is, I'm gonna have a great time tonight. And I didn't want to be evil, so I'm not mentioning it.
Most of you guys aren't even going to read this any time soon. Our only faithful readers are Mona, Sonal and I, apparently! But there's nothing to read!

I'm mad!

Hey Happy Losers!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Hey all you happy losers. It's good to be a loser, hey, we all are one, as I keep saying. No, no, I'm not demeaning myself or anyone, nor am I telling anyone that they are losers as what it actually does mean. I just mean that we (all of us, unfortunately) have some sort of streak in us that makes us a bit - well, I'll put it as bluntly as I can - dumb.

Don't hate me! I just see 'em as I call 'em! =)

Fine, I don't think all of you are losers. I'm just a tad wee bit bored. I admit it. Even though I am sitting in the place I love the most... I'm surrounded by music all day long, I get to sit in with the radio presenters when they do their little shows in the morning, I get to make up all the questions in the competitions that are held during the week - I am having a blast, honestly!

But sheesh, I don't really get to do that all day long, do I? Short answer - NO!

Ok, so in a day of work of 8 hours that I have, I'm jobless - lets say - for about an hour or so. Otherwise, I'm a happy little bunny - not so little, not so bunny (this is the part where the whole Most likely to dress up in a bunny costume for no apparent reason DOESN'T come in!!!) and yet, that term sorta does fit in.

This post is utterly pointless. Which is expected of me, I must say - Juhi, the pointless chick (ugh, I hate that term, Chick, how degrading). Those of you who know me would know this quite well. But this world needs pointless posts, I feel. Posts which a) Don't make any sense, b) Don't have any point and c) shouldn't have been started in the first place. Hey, this is a prime example, doncha think?


I love my internship, though. What else is who doing, anywhere, anyway? Let us all know over the magnificent world wide web.

PS - I am on this site only coz there's no access to hotmail, gmail, yahoo or facebook. I know. Sniff.

PPS - oh I never said where I was working. Gulf News Broadcasting. A radio station, basically.

PPPS - man I know so many trivia facts, its not even funny. All this making lists of trivia and questions etc makes me learn!!!!!!!

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