A long time later.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

H'm. Just to, eh, break the awkward silence that seems to have broken.

This semester seems to be so much more Grown-Up in a boring kind of way, so far! We're doing very grown-up stuff, particularly in CommE. Particularly compared to last year, when we could do practically anything we wanted in the writing sections, and be bizarre and all. :P

NOT that I'm saying we're going to be stiff-necked this year on, or something. (For example, I had a ball in the "Cover Letter" today, throwing in random pomposities). Its just that I miss the fun of first year, where everyone smiled indulgently at us and accepted with a laugh several eccentricities and more.

Anyway, as is obvious, I clearly have nothing much to say here. Except that I see that I've rambled on for quite a while. (Which, I have to say, I wouldn't find it in me to do in person).

Which brings me to something I've been noticing for a while. At least since I've started writing regularly, that is: the existence of the NehaOnPaper. As distinct from the NehaInPerson. Which is to say that I'm very different when I'm at a blank screen with a keyboard at hand (or a blank paper with pencil at hand) from what I'm like in person. I don't know what precisely, but I'm hazarding a guess it has something to do with a certain connotation of space blank screens and paper give me.

So tell me about you. Are you different at all on paper from what you're like in person? How? Which do you like better?


Prottusha said...

I'm glad you broke the punitive vow of silence! :-)

As far as your questions are concerned..... I guess you need more prolific writers to answer them. I can generally write only when I'm compelled to, (and I'm talking about hung from the ceiling upside-down with your mouth tied, kind of compulsion here)! Anyway, I generally hate the process of writing and when I finally have the patience to read the end product, I can easily take it for someone else's! It's so far removed from my self.... I also tend to hate this anonymous self after a few hours/days. What about you?

Prottusha said...

Now, that the dust looks settled, can the rest please chime in???

K said...

Yes, rest, do chime in. Neha's made some interesting observations. You could also respond to my post!

smriti said...

Well,which do I like better? MeOnPaper definately!I think it's more to do with the fact that when I'm writing I'm automatically forced to think a moment before writing it down,which may not be the case with MeInPerson which is more spontaneous.A momentary analysis better than spontaneous reflex?I think so.

Prottusha said...

Do you really think so?

For me, a litre of thoughts always escape before I can actually catch hold of some to write a line. :-(

And when I actually take the trouble to proofread, (I hope Kala maam isn't reading this), they have already dimmed out, leaving just a vague impression behind.

K said...

I AM READING, Prottusha.

Perhaps the reason there's less "fun" is that fun doesn't seem to have worked for your class. I don't dare risk fun with Print for you guys, you seem so perpetually on the ledge of Page 3,in danger of falling in at any minute!

Prottusha said...

@K : Just my luck!

Why is Beren's lady love missing from action?!

tinuviel said...


Prottusha said...

Luthien is also called Tinuviel, no?

(In ref. to : LOTR, J.R.R. Tolkien)

tinuviel said...

i didn't need the reference!

and yes luthien is also called tinuviel...but beren is who?

Prottusha said...

Ooopss....... sowiieee!!

Remember the song Aragorn sings to the hobbits on the way from Bree? It was about the love of Luthien, the elf and Beren, the human she sacrificed her immortality for.

tinuviel said...

ok, um.

i didn't have that great a clarity of remembrance, but well.

pyec said...

Sometimes you might find that spontaneity garners ideas that just wouldn't come to you even with long hours of introspection...precisely what Anindita said..absolutely brilliant fleeting thoughts are hard to capture.

Prottusha said...

Couldn't have put it better myself. Whoz this, btw?

pyec said...

oh sorry..that was aditi

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