Indeed: why write?

Thursday, August 16, 2007

So since Kala ma'am brought it up, I thought it uncanny that the first post on my blog was this one.

I write. To live. I joined PyEC to write. Not to make movies, or photograph (rude as it may sound). No other form of expression is as directly cathartic to me as writing. When I write I am free, unconstrained; perhaps that has been more of a "bad" thing (practically speaking - as in in answer papers and all I just write and write and write, with perhaps more frankness than the question warrants) than good :D.

To quote a friend of mine: " Fear is fear simply because it is something to be hidden, something dark and secret...and well, scary! The most frightening of things, when brought out into the light of day, lose potency. There is a class of people (sorry!) that shies away from writing, of exposing what lies beneath, of burning on paper (or screen) truths they wish didn't exist. Writing as therapy--writing as escape--now that's interesting, what? And I'm sure you don't believe in it--but trust me, it works. "

I've always admired people who can write Beautifully. And put visions before my eyes. Or make me feel an emotion. Somehow, that's intrinsically a good thing, irrespective whether I react negatively or positively. Perhaps because most stuff (and by "most" I mean "everyday") leaves me cold; if I'm paying attention, that's something.

Keep it coming!!


tinuviel said...

haha...that's Neha mujumdar! i thought that was obvious enough...a new'll have to bring that up for know how horrible I am at deciding what I want to write about :\

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