The Room that currently belongs to a certain Ms. Roddam

Monday, February 18, 2008

Hello everybody!

Since you all painfully listened to my description of the room I used to inhabit when I was in Dubai in class last week (as in, you listened to it last week, I wasn't in Dubai last week, bozos), today you'll get a sneak peak at my room over here in good ol' Bengaluru! :)

Well, I live in an apartment in a lovely area called Malleshwaram, full of old families and young kids. We stay in our own apartment, which my family has had for quite a while now, so basically, its home. My door is off white, and it used to have a rectangular wooden plank on it, which my name on it written with nails... what I mean is that the nails were hammered in to spell my name, and my brother made this for me when he was in 8th or so. Now it's not there any more, it kind of fell down. Anyway, when you enter, you'll see a rectangular room (to your left, that is) and immediately on your left is a large black chest of drawers and a mirror above it... that's my dressing table. Directly opposite is a large light brown desk (which was one of the many things we shipped from Dubai to re-furnish this old apartment that we love). Now this desk, I love very much, not because I chose it myself, but because there's always place on it. But, it gets clattered up quite fast, with everything from foot cream to ironed clothes (and books, of course, it's a desk, isn't it) lying on it for weeks on end. I am currently sitting at my desk, actually, as my computer is on it (now everyone knows why I'm online 24/7), and it's my favourite place to be in my room. My chair is a hard one, and its RED with holes in it. In fact, its so hard, that I have to sit on a pillow on it. But it has brilliant back support! ;)

I have a window just off my desk, which is always covered by the curtain, cause its too much of a bother to keep drawing the curtain when I change. I also have a calender with adorable animals on the top (right now, its a kitten sleeping, its soo cuute! :D). Right next to the window are three glass shelves with photos of my family, friends, and of course, of me (you will never find me in a room without photos of me in it.) The pinboard next to it (which is a necessity for me in whatever room I occupy) has a mini poster of Jon Bon Jovi waring tight leather pants and snakeskin boots and a sleeveless vest, crouching on a mountain giving a thumbs up sign, and smiling ever so divinely while his hair blows back due to the wind... (drool)

Ok, I'm back. On the pinboard, too, is my timetable, and lots of pins and badges, and a little photo of me again (I'm vain, ok?). Below the pinboard is a small bookshelf of books that I've already read (it's kind overflowing) since I've come to Bangalore. My toilet (with horrible green tiles) is right next to the board. This toilet, mind you, never worked till last year, when my mother had it specially fixed for me. Can I just mention that my brother lived in my room before I stole it from him? =D Nehoo, right above the door to the toilet is a little banner that says 'Chicago Bulls'. I'm no big fan of theirs (hey, everyone loves Michael Jordan), but it looks very cool, so I keep it.

Wait, I never mentioned what's on the other side of my desk! Ah, my bed! It's another thing that I'm particularly proud of, as I picked it up myself. It's white, with brown draws below it to store bedsheets etc. My covers are Orange and White (oh, its so happy!) and it has a little side table attatched to my bed (I love it so!). On the wall which my bed leans against, is two posters, one of the band Bon Jovi (which I see whenever I wake up and just before I sleep), and of course, of my favourite footballer, Raul Gonzales in his Real Madrid uniform. Both these posters are so ragged and very much torn; you can tell they've been through a lot (just for me!! :D). Oh I also have another calender, from Giordano. This is sort of a tradition for me - every year I take the Gio poster (which comes free in the newspaper) and pin it up on my wall, with all the important days and dates marked. As it is from Dubai, the weekends are marked as Friday and Saturday, but I don't really care (who would?).

Ok, so if I were to lie down on my bed, just above my head is the double window and a window sill (where I keep my phone, etc). This window is a big problem, actually... In the evenings and nights, when I switch on my tube light, the bees from a nearby hive always land up on my window mesh, buzzing away like theres no tomorrow, demanding an entry to the light of their dreams. It gets really bugging, especially when you're terrified of bees, like I am. Next to the door that leads to my little balcony (where I dry my clothes), is a plastic sheet which has all sorts of family photos, and I love just staring at it when I feel a little low or sad, it makes me feel happy.

Now, my room wouldn't be complete without a little mess! (make that a lot of mess.) I have a clothes rack, which is meant for my pajamas, but after one week, my entire wardrobe ends up on that little rack. It's quite disgusting, actually. And the bookshelf next to that has giftwrapping paper and files and books that I haven't seen for more than 3 months! It's a bit scary, now that I think about it. And of course, in the centre of it all, is my beautiful, RED acoustic guitar. It gets dusty very quickly, and if I dont tune it for three days, it sounds like a hurt toad, but it's still beautiful, even after 5 years. Sniff.

So, that's my room! :) I think I'm going to do a Sonal and post a picture of it, too. Sorry if I bored you guys! :)

Wait, I also have a poster of a Cheetah in motion above my mirror. I love that poster... I bought it in Gangarams 6 years ago. Hoo boy. :)


K said...

Good. But check spellings and punctuation.

pyec said...

Yes Ma'am! :D

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