Creamy Goodness :)

Saturday, March 8, 2008

My room happens to be the biggest bedroom of the house so I’ve always found it a little strange that the youngest (um, that would be me, by the way) ended up with it. Never question a good thing though eh? The first thing you notice when you enter is that I have two beds… the twins, Gerry and Mia. Nah, I’m kidding. I haven’t actually named them. Yet. I sleep on the one that’s next to the wall. (I sometimes roll you see). It’s my favourite spot. People always ask why I have two beds when I don’t share my room with anyone. The answer is… I really don’t know why. I’ve had two beds since as far as I can remember. It came in handy when I had roommates for about a year and a half in the 9th grade. They were teachers from Thailand who were here to learn English and each stayed for about 6 months. Since I was the only one with room to spare, they roomed with me.

Ok enough about Gerry and Mia. The rest of the furniture in my room is pretty uninteresting. I have a massive bookshelf that covers almost an entire wall. Most of the books there are ancient ones belonging to my parents and one uncle. They go back over 40 years. I think. I also have a tiny dresser in another corner, two cupboards (also came in handy with the roommates) and a desk that has far too many shelves crammed with far too much junk. (I canNOT de-clutter. Well, I can… but I won’t :P). Two windows lend quite a bit of light to the place. Oh, I also have a clothes rack that holds about a third of my wardrobe.

My walls are cream (like the rest of my exciting house!) and bare ‘cept for the occasional calendar and family picture. A couple of years ago I had my own little ‘wall of fame’ – a collage covering almost an entire wall with pictures of my favourite bands/artists/actor(ess)s. Then my house was painted again so it all came down. I’d asked my parents for some bright curtains to give my room some colour. They bought me cream curtains (!!!). I can’t blame them I suppose. It IS a colour. And they explained to me that it matched my walls. Couldn’t argue with that logic really. I have an attached bathroom. It’s brilliant. I never have to stumble far in the middle of the night when I get “the urge”. Mine is also the only room with access to what we pass off as our backyard too. Which is pretty awesome.

I’m not the neatest person (much to my mum’s chagrin). Quite the slob really. But she’s pretty good with the threats so I do make an effort to be neat. Usually. Sometimes. Um, ok…once in a way. The larger surfaces – namely the twins and my desk – are the ones that end up covered with a lot of the above mentioned junk. I guess my room just goes with me: a little messy, a little quirky. A little boring on the outside, but with a story to tell. :)


tinuviel said...

deepa, this is one of the bestest posts i have read haha. so you. great job. such fun reading!!

Prottusha said...

Very nice!

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