
Sunday, March 16, 2008

It's been a couple of hours since I saw the movie Juno, but I still can't stop gushing about it.

Initially, I thought that it would be one of the regular teen flicks that we see these days - a pointless and a total time-pass film. Boy, was I ever wrong.

I'm quite glad I was wrong. The movie is about a 16 year old girl (Juno) who has sex with her best friend, gets pregnant, and decides to give the baby up for adoption. Sure, the plot is easy and quite simple, but the movie is made so well that it gets you so involved that you are literally either cheering Juno through her pregnancy or advising her out loud not to make a certain decision or, again, very loudly 'awww'ing your way through the entire film. Cliched as the story is, Jason Reitman, the director, has very artfully created a sensitive movie with just the right amount of witty dialogues. Most of the credit, however, goes to the screenplay writer, Diablo Cody, an ex-stripper who won the Oscar for Best Screenplay.

Ellen Page stars as Juno, who is smart, quirky and very off-beat. She isn't really your average teenager, thank God for that. But as interesting as the character is, I think that Ellen Page did an absolutely brilliant job in portraying her. She made the character so appealing, despite all her weirdness. Kudos to her.

While watching the movie today, I thought it was quite ironic that I was sitting next to a lady who had decided to bring her 10 month old baby along. The minute I sat next to her, I thought 'Oh, no, this one's going to be a crier, I know it, the movie's gone down the drain now'. But next thing I know, the baby's literally crawling all over me, refusing to let go. Sure, the thing was cute (I had no idea if it was a boy or girl). It didn't eventually spoil the movie for me (although it did start crying once Mommy snatched it away from me, hehe), but it did end up irritating my companions (what say, Su, Mo?). Eventually Daddy had to take Baby away and the rest were instantly relieved.

Rating: 5/5. Loved it very much.
Rating for Popcorn: 5/5. Caramel popcorn was nice and hot and gooey today. Yum.


Norro said...

hmm..the movie sounds interesting and the caramel popcorn sounds temptin'

Prottusha said...

The popcorn review got my eye! ;P

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