Thursday, March 20, 2008


This one is for children below the age of 10

All the toys were lined up in the nursery- the teddy bear, the engine train, the car, the galloping horse and the red kite with its long string.

Kim and Michael had to go on a picnic. “you may take only one toy with you to the picnic”, said mummy. All the toys heard mummy say this, so when thye were alone in the nursery the teddy bear said, “I am so warm and cuddly, I am sure they will take me along.” “I can go clippety clop. I’m sure Kim and Michael will take me with them”, said the galloping horse.

All the other toys kept on boasting but the red kite sat silently in a corner. After a while Kim and Michael came into the nursery to look around for a toy. “Look” ,said Kim, and she pointed out to the red kite in the corner, “Lets take the kite” ,he said. “Oh! That’s a great idea”, said Michael. “ We can play all day long with it”. They picked up the kite and ran out of the nursrey. The red kite went out for a wonderful picnic while all the other toys, who had boasted, sat gloomily in the nursery the whole day.




I was one among the thousands running toward the Chatrapathi Shivaji Terminal to board the 9:15 fast local to Bandra that would help me get home in less than an hour. The entire day’s fatigue was getting to me, all I wanted to do was go back home and soak my feet in a warm tub of water…

My thoughts were broken into with the familiar rhytmic beat of the “Chammach” against the many glass bottles filled with different coloured and flavoured syrups. I sighed witht relief and smiled. Luckily I still had fifteen minutes to spare before the train arrived, I walked up to the neatly dressed man behind the cart , looked at his multi coloured hands and couldn’t help but smile yet again as I rememberred how I would run to these Gola carts as a child, and here I was again- a fully grown 35 year old woman. I took the glass with the crushed ice, generously drowned in the “kala khatta and gulabi” syrup, witht a dash of chat powder and a squeeze of lime and took a nice long drag at it till I ran all out of breath and felt the coolness of the gola take over me and relax all my nerves. I walked away feeling Content Calm and Happy !



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